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    Greg Stockton,美国热像行业大拿,最近购买Fotric228(带92度镜头),使用起来称赞非常棒!检测什么,为何这么说?他发来邮件,原文如下↓↓↓


    Review of FOTRIC 228 Pro Thermal Camera with 92-degree Lens for video recording of on-roof infrared moisture survey.

    –by Greg Stockton  Stockton Infrared Thermographic Services, Inc.


    I recently bought a FOTRIC 228 Pro Thermal Camera. This IR microbolometer imaging system has 640 × 480 (307,200 pixels) detector resolution. It uses FOTRIC LinkIR smartphone app to operate and FOTRIC AnalyzIR as the image post-processing software. It came with the standard lens…but I also opted to get the 92-degree Lens (L92-228). This is a super wide-angle lens (FOV 92°x76°).


    Our company was engaged to perform an on-roof IR moisture survey of an office and laboratory facility. I wanted to document every square inch of the entire roof area for trending purposes. The roof is a 12-year-old TPO membrane, over 2 inches of polyisocyanurate insulation, over a metal deck.These types of roofs are a challenge as typically the window of uneven heat dissipation from the difference in specific heat capacity between wet and dry substrates is relatively short –owing to the lightweight, low mass cellular foam insulation boards. The total square footage was ~70,000 SF and roofs were on three different levels. The main roof had stairway access with two higher roof sections with fixed enclosed ladders for access.


    I decided to create a radiometric video (large files) and by using AnalyzIR software, to convert the videos into smaller AVI files to deliver to the client, along with the report of findings. The FOTRIC 228 with 92-degree lens performed marvelously! Because the lens is so wide, the amount of time required to well-document every square foot of roof surface was just over an hour. I then went back to the areas where there were findings, changed the lens back to the standard and made my still IR images, along with flash visible light photographs.




    热像仪Fotric228 (带92度镜头)在屋顶水分红外检测上的应用介绍。

    ——Greg Stockton   斯托克顿红外检测服务公司


    我最近买了一台Fotric228 热像仪。这台设备的红外分辨率是640×480(307,200像素)。它通过智能手机在FOTRIC LinkIR APP上进行操作,FOTRIC AnalyzIR作为图像后处理软件。它配有标准镜头,但我也选配了92度镜头(L92-228)。这是一个超广角镜头(视场角92°x76°)。




    我决定拍摄一个红外全辐射视频(大文件)来记录整个屋顶表面的每一平方英尺的状态,并通过使用AnalyzIR软件,将视频转换成较小的AVI文件交付给客户,同时提供检测报告。带有92度镜头的Fotric228 ,拍摄起来非常棒!因为镜头视角相当宽广,拍摄屋顶表面每一平方英尺,所需的时间刚刚超过一个小时。然后,我回到有问题的地方,将镜头换成标准镜头,再拍摄红外图像和可见光图进行细致检测。


    Greg Stockton Greg Stockton

    Gregory R. Stockton is President and Founder of Stockton Infrared Thermographic Services, Inc.™ Based in Randleman,NC. Greg has been a practicing infrared thermographer since 1989.


    Greg is a certified infrared thermographerwith thirty years of experience in the construction industry, specializing inmaintenance and energy-related technologies. He has published many technicalpapers on the subject of infrared thermography and numerous articles aboutapplications for infrared thermography in trade publications. He is a member ofSPIE (Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers), a member of theProgram Committee, Chairman of the Buildings & Infrastructures Session andCo-Chairman of Thermosense, at the Defense and Security Symposium.


    Gregory R. Stockton is a principal/presidentin three infrared companies; Stockton Infrared Thermographic Services, Inc.(www.StocktonInfrared.com), United Infrared, Inc. (www.UnitedInfrared.com) andRecoverIR, Inc. (www.RecoverIR.com). Stockton Infrared is a nationwidemulti-disciplined infrared service contractor. United Infrared is a nationwidenetwork of infrared thermographers providing training on a variety ofapplications and the business of infrared thermography. RecoverIR is an aerialthermal mapping company primarily focused on power utility issues such asimproving energy efficiencies, weatherization, and identification of lostenergy.




    Greg Stockton是斯托克顿红外检测服务公司的董事长和创始人,公司位于北卡罗来纳州兰德尔曼。Greg自1989年以来,一直从事于红外检测。




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